This past weekend I married my partner of seven years! We were fortunate enough to have beautiful weather the day of our wedding. Prior to the wedding, I had chosen some florals that represent Summer. I usually associate Summer with more vibrant and bold colors compared to Spring florals. It was a nice little touch to my own wedding! I also used this as an opportunity to have my family members sport some boutonnieres.
Now I am back to check on my site and remind needle art enthusiasts that I will be teaching June 22-23rd at the Rocky Mountain Lace Guild in Lakewood, Colorado! Please contact the administrators via email since the site has not been updated recently. They will be happy to tell you more about the registration fee. You can also find more information under the events page of my site!
In the past couple of weeks I have noticed a lot of spam users signing up to be members and auto-posting weird links and ads to the site. For that reason, I had to take the member's page and the discussion forum down.
Now, I am off to preparing handouts and supplies for my class coming up in Colorado! I am excited to share the wonderful world of needle lace with the group!